"Healing is an art. It takes time, it takes practice. It takes love." --- Maza Dohta

Not everyone will have the strength, practice, interest, time, awareness, and age; to either learn the Reiki healing process or perform a healing for themselves or others.

In such situations, there is no option other than going for a healing from a third person. We at Healing Aura understand your predicament and offer our customized healing process at your convenience.

We listen to your woes, understand your pain, accept the problem, and deduce the affected chakras, organs, and mental & emotional blocks responsible for the disease. Depending on the severity of the disease and duration of suffering, we suggest our course of healing period.

Scientific studies on the efficacy of Reiki (a complementary biofield energy therapy) in treating physical & mental problems showed that Reiki reduces stress, pain, depression, and anxiety and can help mild Alzheimer's patients to overcome their cognitive impairment to some degree.

Another study demonstrated that Reiki is better than placebo and has broad potential as Complementary Health Therapy.

See what our subjects/customers have said about our healings in our Success Stories section.

To book a consultation, you can call us between 2 p.m. - 9 p.m.

Healing Sessions